Category: <span>Series</span>

Welcome, I am Danielle.

A web developer who likes makeup and occasionally draws and crochets.

I have this site to keep my sanity (maybe to show off, go ahead and judge me haha), so at least I know where all my good portfolio pieces are and an updated resume, squared away and ready for anything. Otherwise, I use this site as a small uncool blog. I like to talk/write about food, crafty projects, movies, TV series, maybe sometimes a little music, and when I’m feeling very daring and sophisticated, politics (this hasn’t happened yet and I’m guessing may not ever :).

I sincerely hope you enjoy the site. I tried to make it as simple, bunny-inspired, and non-offensive to the eye.

"The Wire"

On the huge kick from watching the entire 7 season series of “Homicide: Life on the Street”, Charlie and I moved on to watch “The Wire”. This series has a~