Here is just a little summary of some of my most enjoyed web design and development work, some of which are still in use, some of which were just incredibly good practice, helping me to expand on my knowledge and experience!
I worked with incredibly talented developers and product teams at Toys”R”Us in 2016 – 2018, primarily on the Customer Profile Management team which was responsible for building the “My Account” section, from the sign in authorization page, through profile viewing, and adjustment forms. These are a few screenshots from the responsive pages I worked on, learning Node and React for the first time in my career. Sadly this portion had not been released to the client facing production site before they closed down their site and became non-transactional in 2018. It was the first time I worked on any pages outside of the path to purchase pages, like the product listing pages and main category pages where I spent a lot of my time when I first joined Toys”R”Us in 2016 on the AB testing team. Starting with the account section, was definitely a difficult project, as a crash course in coding within the new React platform using Redux to contain the users logged in state and data.
Please click the thumbnails to open the full screenshots.

This was a commissioned design and website project I took on to help out a friend. J&M Gourmet foods needed a serious overhaul of their original site. My very first all by myself fully functioning ecommerce site, using WordPress CMS, Woocommerce plugins and customizing certain functions in PHP to give them exactly what they needed for their basket orders. Launched 3/16/14. It has since been changed out for a WIX site completely maintained by their company, but I’ve still linked to it here because although it’s no longer a representation of my work, it’s still a great fun business and I like to promote my friends’ work!

This site was a commissioned website for a renowned therapist named Eileen Remmers. I worked directly with Eileen on the design, organization, copy on this site. A fully independent freelance opportunity, I tried out some techniques I had just learned with image maps but also this was back in the day when tables were still the base of a lot of my work. She had recently struck out on her own and provides affordable mental health services in regards to addiction recovery, anxiety & panic attacks, bipolar disorder, divorce & family losses, schizophrenia, self esteem & empowerment, & more. Launched in 2009, I’m so happy that Eileen still has this website up, it really shows how much I’ve grown with my development tactics since then.
My friend and past coworker, Azhelle Wade, runs both of these sites through Squarespace, which is a plug and play website builder and CMS with set themes and colors to choose from. They are currently capable of rendering custom CSS which we can inject easily and sometimes the themes need tweaks, especially in their mobile breakpoints, to show her content correctly. I consult quarterly and offer CSS customizations to particularly tricky selectors, which can get very nested in the Squarespace parallax themes she uses. And even though I can not take any credit for her professional success and beautiful content, I wanted to feature these sites as part of my freelance work experience. Nothing, not even simple CSS, is too small a job to be overlooked, that could enhance a users experience.
Fuzzy Heritage Films

This was a site commissioned by Paul Taylor to make a clean portfolio of his work along with his friends and coworkers Alex Megaro and Christopher Jason Bell. Their current short film portfolio is very impressive and I was amazed at how simply they wanted the site designed and how beautifully it works on all devices. Launched 1/24/14 as a WordPress site with a customized theme I wrote in PHP and since removed by client.
Endrit Hajno: Portfolio Site

Endrit Hajno is a product designer with his own company, and at the time he needed his website redone within the WordPress CMS, I created a responsive custom theme in PHP based on his exactly specifications, along with an easy setup for him to post his new works along with getting his name out there to potential clients and new job offers. Launched 10/21/13 and since removed by client.
Crown Billiards

Crown Billiards was located at 735 Hamburg Tpk in Pompton Lakes, NJ. This site was for my family’s business, we closed our doors in 2015 and since the actual website we have taken it down. It was a pool hall that my father had owned and operated since I was a little girl. I helped out there when he needed me and this site was always a work in progress. I used to try out new web and marketing techniques here that I was learning at my other jobs, in an attempt to promote our various deals and amenities to prospective customers. I also handled all of the social media for the business, in particular our very popular Facebook page, Twitter account and Google+ page back when those were still a thing :] all of which still exist but we no longer update.
We also commissioned a great commercial back in 2017 which I was in the background of playing pool with a friend of mine.
Click here to view the commercial on YouTube

B&W Tek was a client who approached my former employer Giovatto for an entire remake of their website. I handled the web maintenance and built this new area of the site for B&W Tek so they can archive their webinars which have small forms to collect lead information before users can view the webinars. Launched in 2012 maintained by WordPress CMS and PHP page templates

Konica Minolta Sensing Americas is huge retail client for Giovatto. The project of remaking their website was started right before I joined the company. Laura Sly designed the site with Samantha Parisi managing the timeline and the fantastic programmers at Boomtown actually built the site. I took care of the web maintenance, and now that there is not only a US site, but also a Mexican, Brazilian sites, this maintenance needed to be coordinated and completely organized.
TK WorldWide

This was a client from Florida who needed a new website desperately and had endorsed a former employer of mine to the dealerships they were associated with. I completely redid their original site via WordPress with a custom PHP theme, designing and coding from the ground up, and stuck with their business style guide. It gave them many ways to interact with their dealer clients who needed to figure out which services they needed and provided a simple ordering system through contact forms. As of today, the site I built back in 2014 has since been taken over by a different web company, which has been deemed suspicious by Google Safe Browsing, so I no longer link to it from here.

My most exciting and large Adobe Flash project was making the homepage interactive masthead for in 2015. This project was built with the team at Giovatto, specifically Laura Sly, who programmed the website and Samantha Parisi who managed the timeline of work along with keeping an eye on the very specific GE branding guidelines.

Zen Studios is a company run by two friends of mine out of Wayne, NJ. I started creating this animated flash website to promote their recording studio business as well as test my skills at action scripting flash sites. This site was hosted by me and it was never launched to the public as per the client.

This was my very first website made with Adobe Flash. My personal resume, portfolio, contact site created during my Interactive Media course at William Paterson University. It is definitely over designed and has a few odd parts in it, but the process taught me a lot about using Adobe Flash.

This HTML website was the first site I created with the help of Adobe Dreamweaver for a college course. Before this course, I used to handwrite the HTML and CSS. Starting out making websites in that way, created the basis for my knowledge and ease of troubleshooting the code which Dreamweaver created in a faster way. At the time I was very impressed at the plug and play way Dreamweaver worked, but since then I’ve gone back to working manually for cleaner code focused on performance with integrated development environments (IDE) like VS code.
To Be Announced New Project

I am constantly meeting new people and prospective clients and I like to work in new areas of web design. So far in my career, I have predominantly worked in the retail industry, but I hope to try out a bunch of different industries and expand my knowledge.
My newest commissioned work will be announced and ready for you to view here as soon as I decide on what it will be.