Web Design & Development | Makeup as Art |
I’ve been doing a lot of makeup art as of 2020 but I really just post it to my social media, mostly using Instagram | |
I started playing around designing and coding for the web back when I was in middle school. The designs were awful and I was very into using iframes for everything, but I taught myself a lot, and now I’ve turned it into a career. It’s pretty stressful to do freelance web design and construction, mostly because of the back end technical aspects, like bandwidth exceeding and databases breaking down. I try to do with it the best I can and because of that, I am constantly learning more and more about the technology I design for. |
Fine Art | Graphic Design & Print |
I’ve almost totally fallen out of the fine art path, although I guess you could say my designs are the beginnings of illustrations. I used to paint to waste time and explore while I sat around in my basement watching movies and enjoying alone time. And I used to have grand schemes to do a series of illustrations featuring gory content that I was into for a while. Alas, my time is now mostly spent in front of computer screens… | Print and graphic design work went hand in hand with my college career and the whole web design thing. I used to have a passion for it, excited to design and perfect the typesetting, but now it just doesn’t amount to as much as my websites do. It lacks the inter activity and motion, and I almost never got to see my designs printed and reproduced which was disheartening. Although I can’t deny that having graphic design in my background is essential to my level of art now. |